What are all the causes and symptoms of fetal malformation?

 Asylum defects are the leading cause of death in many births around the world today. These abnormalities vary from dysfunction in the functioning of the body's functions, to abnormalities in the shape and composition of the body, and may cause physical or mental disabilities to the foetus after childbirth or even death. Many pregnant women are afraid of this subject, so in this article we will explain what are the symptoms of fetal malformation? And what are its causes?

What is fetal malformaty

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What is fetal malformation?

Fetal abnormalities, known as congenital defects, are a structural problem in the composition of the fetus's body during the early months of pregnancy, affecting the health and safety of the fetus, and may sometimes expose it to death. Statistics indicate that every child out of 33 is born with congenital abnormalities in America alone.

So dear mother we advise you before planning a pregnancy and childbearing you need to know the most important information about the causes of foetal deformity, so that you can avoid it, distance yourself and your foetus from any potential risks. Keep reading with us so you know these reasons.

What causes birth defects?

In 70% of cases of fetal deformity, researchers were unable to diagnose and identify the causes of fetal deformity. Together, several factors may play a role in this deformity. The chances of fetal deformity increase when exposed to any of the factors or causes that we will specifically mention in the first weeks of pregnancy:

1. Lack of nutrients

A woman who wishes to have a baby is advised to take enough folic acid three months before pregnancy. The deficiency of folic acid is associated with many types of abnormalities, mainly abnormalities in the nervous system. Therefore, a woman has to pay particular attention to her nutrition during pregnancy.

2. Inheritance:

Inheritance plays a key role in these abnormalities. Gene dysfunction may cause problems and abnormalities in fetuses. It does not function as it is supposed to work or there may be chromosomal dysfunction, such as more or less than normal, or one parent can transmit the disease to the fetus through blood.

3. Taking medications during pregnancy:

The mother took medication and drugs in the first months of pregnancy, and without a doctor's prescription most drugs are forbidden during pregnancy, so you need to discuss with the doctor before taking any medication no matter how simple you seem.

4. Exposure to chemicals

During pregnancy you need to avoid inhaling or being exposed to any chemicals in any way possible, such as cleaning materials at home, chlorine, fat removal or hair dyes, creams and cosmetics, shampoo and soap, they are full of chemicals and petroleum derivatives so be careful.

5. Drinking liquor and smoking

Alcohol or drug use in abundance, and excessive smoking during pregnancy are causes of foetal deformity, so it should be completely quit.

6. Problems in the uterus and amino fluid

There are lacerations in the membranes surrounding the amino fluid, which begin with pressure on the fetus, which can cause numerous abnormalities, most notably amino tape asphyxiation syndrome, which causes the development of a fetus that lacks a leg or hand.

- There is a risk that sperm deformity affects the fetus. Fertilizing an egg with a deformed sperm may lead to abortion and incomplete pregnancy or to a deformed fetus.
- Intimate marriage is one of the causes of the foetus's abnormalities.
Infections of viral diseases such as AIDS are a cause of foetal mutilation.

How do I know fetal malformaty

Detection of foetal deformities has become easier and less expensive than in the past, and has even reached the point of the possibility of treating some of these foetal abnormalities, which are still in the mother's womb.

Each pregnant woman undergoes a number of routine tests to ensure her and her fetus's safety until early detection of foetal abnormalities. These tests include blood tests for a comprehensive blood count test, a triple or four-dimensional ultrasound examination at 13 weeks of pregnancy, and a four-dimensional examination in the fifth month of examination of the fetus organs.

An aminosis test can also be performed at 16 weeks to detect genetic diseases and birth defects through chromosomal screening.

These tests can detect the risks of genetic diseases, such as Down's syndrome, as well as common heart and developmental problems, as well as the sex of the foetus.

Symptoms of foetal malformaty

The symptoms of foetal abnormalities vary depending on the type of congenital abnormality. These include what is known in the first three months, which appear when the foetus's organs are formed. Other types appear after 6 months of pregnancy, and other abnormalities can not appear during pregnancy, but appear after childbirth, namely formal or organ function abnormalities.

Only a doctor can identify the symptoms of foetal deformity through the advanced devices of sonar in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The most common of these abnormalities are Down's syndrome, the rabbit lip, congenital heart disease, Marvan syndrome.

Here we have reached the end of our article What are the symptoms of fetal abnormality with all the possible causes of fetal abnormality as there are many steps a pregnant mother can take to reduce the chances of foetal abnormalities, Including maintaining good health before planning a pregnancy and if women do not address the causes of foetal abnormalities, This may unfortunately lead to repeated foetal deformity at a time.
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