How to distinguish between real and false birth labor symptoms?

 The exciting pregnancy journey must be over to receive the new member of the family. If he asks you to prepare, he sends you some alerts to prepare to receive it fully, through some mild symptoms initially in what are known as false birth labor symptoms, causes and symptoms in the next lines.

false birth labor

Causes of false birth labor

At the time of birth in the last month, the woman goes through three stages of childbirth, and the false labour is the first stage of them. The uterus begins to prepare for the descent of the foetus, which leads to its widening of its normal size for about 3 cm. The false labor is the sum of the birth symptoms but in a microcosm, and less severe; It is a set of light convulsions and contractions that are not continuous for short periods of time, which makes some women believe that it is a false birth labor and not a prep for childbirth.

As for the cause of the symptoms of false birth labour, scientists explain the existence of certain enzymes resulting from the complete development of the fetus's lungs, which leads to the release of certain cervical stimulants, including prostlaglandin, which stimulates hormonal changes in the uterus causing short-term irregular contractions and widening of the cervix.

Symptoms of false birth labor

The symptoms of false childbirth labour are similar to the real labour of childbirth, especially when it comes to women at first birth two to three days before it. The most prominent symptoms of false childbirth labour are:

1. Feel contractions especially lower abdomen, back and upper groin.

2. Cramps and irregular pain for a short time and then disappears and returns.

The number of times of urination is frequent.

3. The presence of vaginal secretions similar to blood mucus, pink color or transparent resulting from the expansion of the uterus.

4. Uterine muscle stiffness in some cases.

5. The breadth of the cervix is about 5 cm.

Difference between false and real birth labor symptoms

Some ladies now wonder how they can distinguish between the symptoms of false birth labor and the real birth labor, and the answer is:

 1. False Birth Labor

The duration of a false birth labor is the longest prenatal period, where it lasts for days, Which requires you not to worry. Your doctor will make you come home. Because the birth date is not yet timely, plus the symptoms of a false birth labor are mild and irregular, No more than 45 seconds, going back 10 minutes to a quarter of an hour, With the descent of the uterine plug in the form of vaginal secretions floral color mucous texture and not more than 3 centimetres in the stage of false childbirth.

2. Real birth labor

The stage of approaching foetal descent comes, where the symptoms of childbirth intensify and increase the breadth of the cervix more than 10 cm, With severe contractions and spasms persistent and regular, between 2-3 minutes the pain of abdominal and back contractions is repeated, With the length of each episode of contractions for more than 70 seconds and cold outdoor symptoms increase with any effort, or disappear with a change in body position, but in the real birth labor do not disappear or decrease with any movement.

3. How to stimulate Birth Labor

There are a range of methods that some believe stimulate the labour of childbirth to facilitate the process of childbirth, but the importance of using these methods must be alerted after consulting a doctor to avoid any damage to the mother or fetus, including:

- Up and down the stairs stimulates labour by stimulating contractions of the uterus.

- Marital relationship increases the secretion of oxytocin hormone stimulating contractions of the uterus.

- Rubbing the breast nipple stimulates labor, helping the uterus to release hormones that increase contractions to widen the uterus.

- Long stand, kneel and sit in squat mode.

4. Herbs that stimulate childbirth

Herbs have a lot of benefits, including some substances that stimulate labor, but the most important is to consult a doctor before using them, among these herbs:

- Marmeric: very useful, as it raises the release of oxytocin stimulating the labor of childbirth.

- Castor oil: whether it is added to the food or massaged into the abdomen, where it acts as a laxative for the uterus and relaxes the muscles, in addition to expanding the cervix.

- Ginger and cinnamon: known for accelerating the start of birth labor, in addition to increasing energy in the body.

- Honey bees: use old to speed up birth and stimulate the uterus for the fetus exit.

- Garlic: helps to expand the uterus and relax its muscles, which makes it easier for the fetus to descend into the lower uterus.

- Dates: One of the foods that accelerates outdoor contractions and stimulates childbirth.

5.  Tips for dealing with false childbirth labor

When you experience symptoms of premature birth or false childbirth labor, you must adhere to the following tips:

- Do not use methods to stimulate childbirth without consulting a doctor.

- Get rid of anxiety and stress before giving birth.

- Light massage of the pelvic area and lower abdomen.

- Exercise breathing and yoga.

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