Pregnancy's diaphragm aches are not always serious.

 The woman suffers from many aches during pregnancy. These disturbing health conditions include the symptoms of the first pregnancy, which are seizures of nausea, vomiting, vertigo, fatigue, breast pain, etc., as well as some aches in the lower abdomen and lower back area. The pain of the diaphragm begins to appear as the pregnancy progresses. What are the causes of diaphragm aches in a pregnant woman, what do they indicate and how should they be dealt with?

Diaphragm Pain

Causes of diaphragm aches in pregnant women

It is common for women to feel aches in the area under the rib cage, i.e. at the diaphragm separating the stomach from the heart and lungs.

The known causes of these aches, if they appear in the last trimester of pregnancy, are an increase in the size of the fetus and the womb, which puts pressure on the diaphragm and on the ribs of the rib cage. his kicks and strikes on this area because in the other three months his muscles are strong enough to make the mother feel the blows, The increased breast volume at this stage in preparation for breastfeeding is also a cause of rib and diaphragm soreness at this advanced stage of pregnancy.

But it is necessary for a pregnant woman to learn that the pain of her diaphragm or upper abdominal area can have other causes such as oesophageal reflux or stomach acidity This is also a common condition in pregnancy, which can start from its earliest stages but worsens as the pregnancy progresses due to the pressure of the uterus and the foetus on the stomach, making digestion difficult and leading to the rise of stomach acids to the esophagus.

Having a gallbladder can also cause pain to pregnant women similar to known rib aches, but they are sharp and on the right side of the abdomen and appear as blunt seizures, especially after a high-fat meal. In addition, upper abdominal aches can indicate a pregnant woman's preeclampsia.

What works when there are aches in the area of the diaphragm in the pregnant woman

In case the pregnant woman feels aches in the diaphragm area it is necessary to go to consult a doctor who is working to detect the cause and treat the problem.

If ordinary aches are not associated with any pathological cause, it advises them to take measures to alleviate such aches by changing their sitting and sleeping status, wearing a medical bra suitable for this condition, and exercising breathing exercises and sports for pregnant women.

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