Is smoking causing infertility in women?

Everyone understands that smoking increases the risk of cardiovascular and pulmonary disease. What many do not know, however, is that smoking can also lead to fertility problems in both men and women. Is smoking causing infertility in women? Here are the details:

Smoking causes infertility in women

Smoking causes infertility in women

A study by US researchers in Boston revealed that smoking causes infertility for women, as the study showed that inhaling the toxic chemical in cigarettes can cause ovarian failure and this significantly reduces their fertility years.

The study by a team of researchers from Boston Hospital indicated that smoking cigarettes in addition to some air contaminants could lead to an early stoppage of menstruation and accelerate the destruction of egg cells in the ovary.

This study is the first of its kind to confirm the relationship of smoking with female fertility after having been in doubt for a long time.

The team headed by doctor Jonathan Tilley conducted a study on mice for six years, the result of which was the death of ovarian cells.

How does smoking cause infertility in women?

Chemicals (e.g. nicotine, cyanide and carbon monoxide) in cigarette smoke reduce the number of eggs in vesicles, which can never be reversed. Many women smokers therefore suffer from menopause one to four years ago from menopause compared to non-smokers.

Male smokers can also suffer from low sperm quality with low sperm count and movement, in addition to increasing sperm numbers with abnormal shape.

Does smoking cause a woman's inability to conceive?

Male and female smokers' infertility rates are twice that of non-smokers. The risk of developing fertility problems increases as the number of cigarettes smoked daily increases.

Even fertility treatments such as IVF may not be able to completely overcome the effects of smoking on fertility. Smokers need more ovarian stimulants during IVF, still have fewer eggs at the time of recovery, and have 30% lower pregnancy rates than non-smokers undergoing IVF.

This is because smoking is harmful to genetic material in eggs and sperm, which also affects abortion rates and birth birth defects that are higher when parents are smokers. All these data should be taken into account when seeking a solution to infertility or delayed childbearing under cigarette smoking addiction.

Other things cause inability to conceive

1. Chemical Cleaning Products:

The way you clean your house can affect your fertility. Exposure to contaminants, pesticides and industrial compounds affects sexual health and pregnancy opportunities.

Attention must therefore be paid when using these products, and be careful to stay away from them as much as possible. If it has to be used, the nose and mouth mask must be worn to prevent its harmful effects.

2. More sports:

While exercise is beneficial for health, much exercise can affect ovulation and fertility.

More exercise results in effects on the menstrual cycle.

If any changes such as short duration or non-regularity are observed, the doctor must be consulted to find out the reasons and treat them.

3. Stress Exposure:

It is difficult to avoid stress, but how to deal with stress is what to pay attention to.

To reduce stress, it is recommended to sleep early, do relaxation exercises, and eat healthy foods.

4. Medicines:

Some women take some medications without a doctor's prescription to treat different diseases.

This can have amenable effects on women's ovulation and fertility.

5. Sexual lubricants:

Sexual lubricants can make intimacy with a partner more enjoyable, but some species can kill sperm.

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