Does vaginitis prevent pregnancy?

Vaginitis is a common type of inflammation in a woman and is not related to a specific age or status, which a woman can develop whether she is married or unmarried, whatever her age. So what are the causes of vaginitis? Does this affect pregnancy? What steps have been taken to protect against vaginal infections? Here's the answer in this article from my health.

What are the causes of vaginitis?

What are the causes of vaginitis?

Many are the causes of vaginitis, here are the most prominent:

1. Sexual relationship:

Sexual illnesses resulting from a couple's sexual relationship, such as chlamydia, are a primary cause of vaginitis. Violent sex can also cause injuries that lead to vaginal infections.

2. Vulnerability:

There is no doubt that the vagina is exposed to many types of bacteria and viruses, and here the immune system plays an essential role in resisting these factors and protecting the body from health problems that may result from them. Therefore, impaired immunity can raise the incidence of these infections.

3. Personal hygiene:

Some women consider that the vaginal area and its surroundings do not require continuous cleaning and do not give them sufficient attention at this level, which would increase the rate of exposure to vaginal health problems, including infections.

Does vaginitis affect pregnancy?

Don't underestimate vaginitis. It affects your pregnancy, how? Follow the answer.

From the repercussions of vaginitis, intense pain and discomfort during intimacy with the partner. This would make it difficult for sperm to reach the uterus and meet an egg, meaning that enrichment does not occur.

Vaginal infections can also alter the nature and secretions of the vagina, directly affecting sperm.

Steps to prevent vaginal infections?

There are many steps you can follow in order to reduce vaginal infections are:

- Daily lingerie swap, made of cotton.

- Use cotton sanitary pads as well.

- Wash the intimate area in a regular manner with the choice of the appropriate lotion.

- Stop having a relationship, if you have an infection so that your condition does not worsen.

It is necessary to consult a doctor when you feel any of the symptoms of infections in order to get appropriate treatment.

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